Online Order

Enjoy authentic, German & Persian cuisine in Tehran, in the comfort of your home.

Order summary

What would you like to eat today? Select your favourites and we'll take care of preparation and delivery.

Pre-order, or pre-register today, to receive 2 loyalty points.

<% item.title %>

<% item.options %>

<% item.unitquantity %>x <% item.unitprice | formatNumber %> T


Delivery: <% cart_delivery | formatNumber %> T

Subtotal: <% cart_subtotal | formatNumber %> T

Discount: <% cart_discount_amount | formatNumber %> T

<% cart_total | formatNumber %> T

Includes tax: <% cart_tax | formatNumber %> T (9%)

Loyalty Points: +1

The minimum order amount is 25,000 T

You will earn 1 point for this order.

If you are a regular customer, you may use your loyalty points to pay for the order. Points required: <% points_required | formatNumber %>